Qld Rovers

Rover Scout Awards
QLD Rovers

QLD Rovers Awards

In Rovers there are two types of major award that you can earn; the Baden-Powell Scout Award from completing the Award Scheme, and the Rover Service Award, granted by National upon the recommendation from QBRC for outstanding service to the Rover Section.


Baden-Powell Scout Award

After completing many badges and the required activities a Rover is awarded the peak award known in Rover Scouts as the Baden Powell Scout Award.

The badge symbolises significant progress as a Rover Scout and shows that you have really learned many different skills and knowledge through your Scouting Journey.

The Baden-Powell Scout Award (BPSA) is the highest Scouting Award available to youth members in Australia. The award is designed to challenge and test Rovers against their own personal standards; whilst taking into account the Aims of Scouting and encouraging all of the areas of personal growth.

The flexibility of the BPSA allows the highest possible personal standard to be set by the individual undertaking the award with the consultation of their Unit. This occurs through the individual consulting and discussing each phase of the award scheme with their to ensure that the target set is of a challenging personal standard and meets the requirements of the BPSA.

BPSA Support Team

The BPSA Support Team is a Branch based team to assist current and future Rovers in gaining the BPSA. The BPSA Support Team supports Rovers in their Branch by providing advice on and promoting the BPSA support team in their Branch.

For more information, contact the Program Officer at program@qldrovers.org.au.

Rover Service Award

The Rover Service Award is the highest good service award that Rovers can  to supporters of the Rover section. The Rover Service Award is awarded to people that have provided excellent service, support, and dedication to the Rover section over an extended period of time. In some states, the award is known by other names. Each Branch Rover Council has the right to use an individual additional name for the award; but the criteria is nationally standardised.

There are many people who have made a great contribution to Rovering at a local, regional, state, and or, national level. If you would like to nominate someone for the Rover Service Award, contact the QBRC Chair more information on correcting nomination procedure and nomination opening and closing dates.

  • The minimum length of service necessary to fulfill the qualifying period should be 5 years for Rover Scouts and 10 years for Uniformed Members / Supporters.
  • The length of service necessary to fulfill the qualifying period should take into consideration any involvement the individual may have had in other Branches.
  • As this is specifically a Rover Scout Award, only service to the Rover Section can be considered. Service to other Sections will not assist a nomination.
  • Nominations must remain confidential and must not be discussed, either with the nominee or as part of the agenda at an open meeting.
  • Where a Rover Scout continues to provide outstanding service to the Section in an advisory position, the period of service whilst a Rover will count towards their eligibility.