QLD Rovers
Welcome to QLD Rover ScoutsScouting is the largest international youth movement, engaging young people in almost every country. Rover Scouts is the final section of the ‘path’ to adult life with a strong focus on community engagement and social inclusion. Rovering develops leadership abilities and mateship by empowering Rover Scouts to run their own activities.
What’s New?
The Mission of Scouting
“The Mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society. “
Beyond the Horizon
Rover Scouts are self-managing and plan and run all their own activities – which are tailored to the requirements and interests of members. Rover Scouts enjoy helping others, having a great time and taking on new challenges. Social activities such as balls, bush dances, harbour cruises, nights out, car rallies and “Moots” (gatherings of Rovers on a local, national and sometimes international level) will feature on an active Rover Scout’s program. Action is at the core of all Rover Scout activities. And it’s your choice what you do whether it’s kayaking, canyoning, hiking, camping in the snow or even planning an international expedition. There are heaps of international travel experiences for Rover Scouts to become involved in, with contingents leaving Australia every year to Scouting events across the globe, in addition to the individual travel opportunities that are also available.
Rover Scouts is open all young adults aged 18-25.
To become a part of the adventure check out our website or contact us!
Is there a Rover Unit near you?

Our Upcoming Events & Activities
QLD Rovers run a number of state level events, organised by committees appointed by the Queensland Branch Rover Council.
Information about major events is available from this site, but check the frequently updated QBRC Events calendar below for more information.
Banana Bash
Banana Bash is a Motorsport event run by QLD Rovers; Each Rover Crew builds and drives their own vehicle, courses/scoring are based on skill, not speed!
Only current rovers are permitted to attend the event, except for visitors day.
On visitors day (usually the Sunday), the event is open to the public to come and observe, and we encourage members of other sections to come along and take a look.
Usually run on the October long weekend.
QARM is a an event run by QLD Rover Scouts and is based around water activities during the day and the St George’s Bar during the evening.
Activities vary year to year but in the past there have been Water Skiing, Sailing, 4WD’ing, Tubing, BBQ on a boat, Service activities and much more.
April 2025
QMoot is our flagship event and runs every year on the Easter Long Weekend. QMoot is run at the QBRC level; anything could happen at this moot.
Could be a Sci-Fi, Mexican, or Roman themed moot, or it could be a com,petition-based event where Units are pitted against each other in a good sportsmanship. This is a moot all about what’s fun at the time and is a fantastic oppurtunity to meet Rover Scouts from across the state with widely varying interests and talents.
Usually run on the Easter long weekend.
September 2025
St George’s Ball
St George’s Ball is the largest formal gathering of QLD Rovers, for a night of celebration and relaxation.
Awards are presented for notable and not-so-notable achievements by Rovers throughout the year.
Usually run in the middle of August.
TNT Moot
Test ‘n’ Track Moot (also known as TNT) is a Motorsport training event for Banana Bash. It is the best chance to learn how to drive your bash car in a Bash-like environment, before all the pressure of competition sets in. It is a great place to fine tune your engines and learn your way around your vehicle.
Usually run in May.
March 2025
Urban Challenge
An event run by Rover Scouts for Venturer Scouts. Rover Scouts will set up a number of bases through the city similar to Nighthawk, Venturer Scouts will use their urban orienteering skills to navigate to each base, and teamwork to get points for their Unit. It is an amazing race without the cameras and cheesy music. While everyone in Scouts is a winner, the Venturer Scout Units with the most points will be declared better winners and be given prizes.
Usually run in March.
Way Out West Moot 2027
17th World Scout Moot 2025 – Portugal
Scouts Australia is sending a Contingent to attend the 17th World Scout Moot in Portugal in July 2025.