Qld Rovers



The core of the program. Rover Scouts participate, assist and lead activities as part of the unit program to progress this three stage badge. This badge is the structure of the unit program and encourages an engaged unit.

Special Interest Areas

Rover Scouts explore existing and find new interests across six separate categories including:

  • Adventure & Sport
  • Arts & literature
  • Creating a better world
  • Environment
  • Growth & Development
  • STEM & Innovation

These each take 18 hours to complete as a Rover Scout. These badges allow Rover Scouts to develop and follow interests as well as learn many new things.

Outdoor Adventure Skills

These badges show Rover Scouts progression through adventurous activities. Learning key skills, knowledge and giving these activities a go. There are plenty to choose from not limited to bush walking, camping, canyoning, caving, kayaking, canoeing and in the later stage activities such as white water rafting, wind surfing or snowbording.

Baden-Powell Scout Award

After completing many badges and the required activities a Rover is awarded the peak award known in Rover Scouts as the Baden Powell Scout Award. The badge symbolises significant progress as a Rover Scout and shows that you have really learned many different skills and knowledge through your Scouting Journey

The Baden-Powell Scout Award (BPSA) is the highest Scouting Award available to youth members in Australia. The award is designed to challenge and test Rovers against their own personal standards; whilst taking into account the Aims of Scouting and encouraging all of the areas of personal growth.

The flexibility of the BPSA allows the highest possible personal standard to be set by the individual undertaking the award with the consultation of their Unit. This occurs through the individual consulting and discussing each phase of the award scheme with them to ensure that the target set is of a challenging personal standard and meets the requirements of the BPSA. In Queensland the person who can help you out with achieving your BPSA is the QBRC Program officer, you can contact them at program@qldrovers.org.au.