Outdoor Adventure Skills
The two links above are for flyers given to attendees of AJ2019 to help explain the Outdoor Adventure Skills to both Scouts and Leaders. Specifically for the target of Stage 4 in Camping.
Stage 5 in Bushcraft, Bushwalking, and Camping will be the minimum standard to achieve the Scout, Venturer and Rover Peak Awards.
You can also email the QBRC Program Officer for more information at program@qldrovers.org.au.
Program Essentials
OAS and Adventurous Activities
Peak Award
Training Courses
Scouts Queensland runs numerous training courses across the year, to cover all various aspects of the scouting movement. Below you will find a list of courses offered by Scouts Queensland.
Not all courses are available in all locations, or run multiple times throughout the year. Consult the Scouts Queensland Training Calendar for more information, which can be downloaded here.
Advanced Practical (Leadership training for a section)
Personal Leader Advisor
Training the Trainers
Working with Youth with Special Needs
Adventurous Activities
Abseiling (Artificial and Natural)
Climbing (Artificial and Natural)
Cycle Tour
Mountain Biking
Sea Kayaking
Completion Levels
of Rovers in QLD have completed their Basic Training
of Basic Trained Rovers have completed their Woodbadge.
First Aid
Provide First Aid
Provide First Aid in Remote Situations