To make sure that we deliver Scouting in a safe environment for all our members, all Adults in Scouting – including Rover Scouts are required to complete two (2) eLearning modules within six months of joining, or turning 18 in order to remain a member.
In Queensland, it is a requirement that all Rover Advisors, and Adults with Adult Leadership Appointments (Section Leaders, Group Leaders, etc), complete their Basic Training within one year of joining, and their Woodbadge within three years of joining. This does not apply to Rovers.
eLearning is so boring, why do we have to do it?
e-Learning has been developed in response to the Adults in Scouting (AIS) review as a way of providing more convenient training delivery for adult Leaders in Scouting. Obviously self-paced e-Learning cannot replace all Scouting and Leadership training but it substantially reduces the number and duration of training courses that Leaders are required to attend. e-Learning is designed to be undertaken by Leaders in their own time and on an individual basis.
When you do go to a training course you will be expected to have completed the relevant on-line work so that you can fully participate in and benefit from the course content. By having some topics covered or introduced online (for example theory and background) there is more time left at courses to allocate to hands-on practical training.
Every Business and Organization across Australia has some degree of eLearning to be completed as part of their on the job Training; and in todays society, Scouts Australia is accountable for what it’s leaders do, so we ensure that those people in charge, leading, running events, have the required level of Training to run it safely for others.
There is no requirement for an everyday active Rover to undertake any Training above their two compulsory Units, however certain Leadership appointments within Rovers, and some roles at major events, may not be available to you unless you have completed the Training.
Compulsory eLearning
To make sure that we deliver Scouting in a safe environment for all our members, all Adults in Scouting – including Rover Scouts are required to complete two (2) eLearning modules within six months of joining, or turning 18 in order to remain a member.
These two units, Child Safe Scouting and WHS for Scouting, cover the minimum content that any adult within Scouting should know. Specifically, that is the Child Safe policy, what to do if a youth member discloses to you, how to report, and why, and the WHS procedures for Risk Management and Incident Reporting. Every organization and business in Australia has an incident reporting and risk management framework, and Scouting is no different. These modules also need to be recompleted every 3 years. You will be notified by Scouts Australia by automatic email when these are due.
Crew Leaders should be regularly getting a report of their members from their Region Rep, to help follow up on this Training and ensure that everyone has completed it. If you have not received this report recently, get in contact with your Region Rep, or the QBRC Membership Officer for a copy.
Okay, I’ve completed the two compulsory Units, what’s this other 41hrs and 25mins of Training?
The remaining eLearning that shows up for Rovers is what needs to be completed should you wish to obtain your Woodbadge.
We often hear that Rovers hate doing eLearning, and there is far too much of it; however before eLearning Leaders had two 75 odd page workbooks to be completed, along with three Training weekends plus a lot more assessment. To remove the eLearning or reduce it, would increase the current three courses for Rover Woodbadge (currently roughly 40hrs of content), to nearly six weekends worth of Training. Does anyone really want to spend 6 weekends doing Training?
For this reason, eLearning is a necessary evil, but it’s not as difficult as people think. To complete your Basic Rover Training (something we recommend every Rover aims to complete), there is 20.5hrs of Leadership eLearning, and 7.5hrs of Outdoor Skills eLearning. For the Leadership Skills, once you have downloaded all the attachments, only 13 out of the 50 assessment pages needs to be completed for the course. You only need to complete all 50 if you are going for the Certificate III in Business; and the majority of these compulsory assessments you would have already completed as part of your Squire Training.
For the Outdoor Skills training, there is a single Workbook that needs to be completed “Basic Outdoor Skills Assessment of Proficiency”, which once complete with a current and up to date log book of outdoor activities and Bushwalking, can actually be used as RPL for assessment instead of attending a weekend course.
Breakdown of what makes up the eLearning
- Compulsory eLearning 4.4%
- Basic Training 42%
- Basic Outdoor Skills 16.6%
- Advanced Training 36.9%