Available Support
We want to make Rover Training as easy and seamless as possible, for as many rovers to complete as they wish. That’s why we have a range of support options available for you to complete your training, including advisers to answer your tricky questions, and financial subsidies to help cover the costs of courses.
You can also email the QBRC Training Officer at
Financial Support
There are multiple types of financial support available to Rovers to help undertake their Training. These include Cash Back offers for those undertaking their Training to help reduce the cost, and regional travel subsidies to make accessing training easier.
Cash Back Offers
All Rovers and Rover Advisers are eligible for a $50 Cash Back on any Rover Leadership Training undertaken (Basic or Advanced Practical Courses for Rovers), so long as they successfully complete the course, and apply for their money back within a month of attending the course.
On the right further details are available regarding the different options available to help fund Training.
For more information, checkout the flyer here.
Cash Back Offers are being run as a trial initially, and will be available for any Basic or Advanced Rover Course, run between the 1st November 2018, and the 30th June 2019.
Regional Travel
Need to travel more than 3hrs to get to a Training Course? Never fear, the QLD Branch Rover Council now provides a $100 subsidy, to all QLD Rovers in this very situation, to help make access to training easier. This is in addition to any other financial support options available.
For more information, checkout the flyer here.
To apply, use the link above.
General SUpport
More information coming soon.
Options Available
Everyday Rover
$50 Cash Back offer, for all Rovers in QLD, who attend Rover Leadership Training.
This covers the Basic Practical Course, and Advanced Practical Course.
Download the flyer for more information.
Crew Leader or Rover Advisor
If you are a Crew Leader or Rover Advisor, then your Basic Training should be funded wholly or partially by your Crew.
The $50 Money Back offer is available to you or the Crew to help support this.
Download the flyer for more information.
Region Rep or QBRE Member
Basic Rover Training will be funded 50% ($110) by the QBRC, including the Basic Outdoor Skills Course.
Event Chair
$50 Money Back offer for Basic Training.
If the event is a QBRC run event, and requires Advanced Training, then 50% ($110) of Basic Training will be funded (if not already completed), plus $50 back on the Advanced Course.
Regional Rovers
All above funding options, plus the regional travel subsidy, of $100.
Download the flyer for more information.